Why did you become a homewares designer?
I became a homewares artist as I was given a apprenticeship when I was 18, as I had done 3 art A-levels and after that I wanted to work instead of going to university as wanted to earn a wage. I was employed by john wilmans textiles/collorol wallpaper.
How long have you been in this profession?
I have been in the industry now for 25 years.
Why should people choose Arthouse for their wallpaper needs?
Everyone should choose our wallpaper as we have the best artist/designers that the industry can offer...with the most original ideas that any company can offer. We aim to be the best, as time has gone by factories have come up with new ways to produce complicated designs that many years ago could not be done, this has given the designers more scope to design, knowing that what we design can be produced and that it doesn't have to be broken down to a simpler design.
What is your preferred style?
My preferred design skills are effects using photography and also I love painting and using different materials to come up with different textures and touchable designs.
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