Sample Selection
We have a selection of samples to order for the products we stock. Unfortunately we don't have samples of all of our products and they do go out of stock from time to time.
Products with samples will display a sample button under the add to cart - see image below:-
Order area when a sample is available

If there is no order sample button there are no samples available for this product at this time.
You can also browse our selection of samples on our samples page.
How to Order
Simply click the Order Sample button to add the sample to your cart. You can choose up to 6 samples per order and only pay $0.99 per sample plus $3.99 shipping per order.
What will I receive
We only offer one size of sample, cut to 8"x11". This should be enough to see the pattern and decide if the wallpaper design is the one for you. If you order a sample we will send you a little thank you offer via email to use when you buy the full product from us.